@article{MobyDick:2741, note = {"Moby Dick, or, The whale, by Herman Melville, has been printed and published by Andrew Hoyem at the Arion Press, San Francisco, California. The edition is limited to 265 copies of which 250 are for sale. The type is handset Goudy Modern. The Leviathan Capitals used for the title and initial letters were designed by Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes. The illustrations were drawn and engraved by Barry Moser. The paper was handmade by Barcham Green at Hayle Mill in England"--Colophon.}, author = {Melville, Herman, 1819-1891}, url = {http://digitalcoll.skidmore.edu/record/2741}, title = {Moby Dick, or, The whale / Herman Melville. Moby Dick}, recid = {2741}, pages = {xv, 576 pages : illustrations, maps ; 39 cm.}, address = {1979}, }